Morningside Academy is offering remote classes this summer! CLICK HERE for more info & to sign up!


Morningside Teachers’ Academy



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Morningside develops custom designed partnerships with educational settings of all sizes. We work with our partners to develop a dynamic and responsive mix of services, including on-site training, coaching, ongoing web-based consultation, and hosting educators at our demonstration site in Seattle, WA.


The Morningside Model of Generative Instruction (MMGI)  is a research based, empirically validated educational model shown to be extremely effective in developing competent learners equipped with the necessary tools for college and career readiness.



Morningside has partnered with over 100 educational settings across North America and Europe, and has trained educational professionals from all 50 states and dozens of countries. We employ a team of expert trainers and coaches with vast experience in a variety of educational settings.



Morningside Academy has consulted with our school for numerous years. They have provided academic coaching for our teachers in multiple areas. They have given us various instructional strategies and helped solidify daily practices in language, reading, writing and math. Morningside helped shape our school with common behavior management strategies and best practices with intensive training and consulting on increasing specific praise to expectation and shaping behavior. Our school has grown tremendously from the systems and structures Morningside Academy has brought to us. Teachers went through the full coaching/consultation cycle and were able to reflect on their practice and have ongoing support. Alongside the teachers, the students showed the most growth in their efficacy and academics.

Jessica Matsik, Nanakuli Elementary School
Having taught in Hawaii public schools for the last 30 years, I have used many math programs and strategies including those selected by the State as well as those I have chosen to use with my students. Prior to transferring “back to the leeward coast,” I had never heard of Morningside Academy or the Morningside Project. But, I wish I did. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to be trained in and learn about this progressive system, which helps students work towards fluency so they can maximize their learning. Within our first year of using the Morningside board work, fact fluency and diagnostic & prescriptive programs we saw significant gains in overall math skills and have continued to see growth and success with our students each year since (as noted by our Aimsweb and state assessments scores). We have closed learning gaps. We have made learning math fun. We have used this system to increase engagement, self-esteem and success as our students continue to work towards mastery of the rigorous grade level standards. I highly recommend the Morningside Project for all schools.

Terry Ann Memea, Waianae Elementary School



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We at Morningside Academy acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People past and present, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe.