Current Projects & Where We’ve Been

Morningside Teachers’ Academy has partnered with over 144 sites to implement many instructional programs, including reading, writing, math, reasoning, thinking, and study skills. We have been involved with individual schools, whole districts, work sites, universities, hospitals, and agencies since 1991.



Check out this list of our Current Partnerships and our historic partners!


Morningside Summer Institute

Over the past 33 years, hundreds of people from around the world have participated in our 3-week Summer Institute (SSI) located in Seattle. People have come from as far away as Australia, Sweden, New Zealand, Italy, Japan and Germany.


The ASPIRE program at Haugland Learning Center in Columbus, Ohio has been working with Morningside Teacher’s Academy (MTA) for 6 years to implement the Morningside Model of Generative Instruction with students with autism spectrum disorder. MTA has been an integral part of the development of the ASPIRE program and we are incredibly grateful for their support through the years.

MTA helped ASPIRE build each aspect of the model with training, coaching, and consultation. MTA consultants have been knowledgeable, organized and supportive while guiding us through our implementation. They have consistently gone above and beyond to help us build a program that maximizes student success.

Implementing the Morningside Model of Generative instruction has allowed the ASPIRE program to set our students up for a success in a way that is not available to them in other settings. Many of our students come to us behind in one or more subject areas. With the support of MTA, we have reached a point where the majority of our students make more than a year’s gain in at least one subject area in one school year. In addition, they consistently make measurable gains in learning efficiency, which allows for continued academic success. These gains are crucial to helping our students function in society and are often life- changing. Our students and their parents have often given up hope of academic progress by the time they join our program. We take great pride in helping them see that they can be successful with effective instruction, and we are grateful for MTA’s help in allowing us to do so.

I am happy to recommend Morningside Teacher Academy’s services to anyone interested in prioritizing effective instruction to maximize student academic success.

Kathy Fox, Director – ASPIRE Program, Haugland Learning Center