What kinds of students attend Morningside Academy?
Our school serves a wide range of bright learners, grades 1 through 9, who have fallen behind in school. Some of our students come to us from other private schools. Some of our students have always attended public school and then try our Summer School program, and come join us in the Fall. Students who come to Morningside thrive on Robert Mager’s, “Nothing teaches like success,” as they find themselves finally successful in skills like comprehension, decoding or computation.
Prior to Morningside, many students have experienced some sort of failure in school. They may have gaps in a particular subject due to poor instruction. They may have experienced difficulty with homework and school became a struggle. Some students have mild special education needs and may be challenged with minor learning setbacks such as ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia. We have students who are labeled gifted LD. We have students who are college bound and need to learn study and organizational skills in addition to studying content classes. We do not provide services for children with severe interpersonal, social or developmental deficits.
How many students attend Morningside?
Our Foundations program typically serves 40-50 students with 4-5 faculty members. Our Middle School typically serves 40-50 students with 4-5 faculty members.
What are the hours of the school day?
School hours are from 8:55 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.. On Wednesdays, students leave at 2:40 p.m. because our faculty participates in a two-hour seminar.
Do you provide transportation?
No. Our families come from all over Seattle and the surrounding area. We share a roster so you can arrange carpooling. Many students use public transportation; there are several bus routes near our school.
Do students have homework?
Initially there is no homework. Our Founding Director says, “Parents should be parents and teachers should be teachers.” We do not send homework home until we teach students how to do homework. We regard homework as another skill to learn.
How do families communicate with the school?
All students receive a Daily Support Card. This travels with the student throughout the day from teacher to teacher and then home. We all use email and are happy to receive handwritten notes through the front desk as frequently as need be. We hold three conferences with the student and family and teacher in November, February and June. More frequent meetings can be arranged.
How long do students usually stay at Morningside?
Many families stay with us for the entire elementary school or middle school years. The catch up and build up work often takes from two to three years depending upon the student.
What is the tuition?
You can read more information about the current tuition
Do you have an after-school activity program?
Yes. Activities are chosen based on student interest. Friends of Morningside Academy, the volunteer parent organization, arranges for these classes. In the past we have offered coding, art, theater, yoga, leadership skills, sports, music, and sailing. Parents pay directly for these activities.